A71 Vs S10 Lite, which is the best option?

If the Samsung brand is defined by something, it is by a desire for improvement and innovation as well as continuous development that make its products of quality and that, in this way, improve the lives of the people who buy them. Smartphones or “smart phones” are a true reflection of all this and two of their latest devices will make up this Shoptize blog post.

In the next few lines the performance of your A71 Vs S10 Lite will be contrasted, which one will prevail? The answer at the end of this post.

How does the A71 beat the S10 Lite?

The Samsung A71 is lighter

The weight recorded by the oldest of them is 179 grams, while the little brother weighs 186 grams, which makes the A71 a more easily portable phone.

Higher speed manual shutter and higher megapixels on main camera

In the mobile that plays at home, here the user can configure the shutter speed to his liking unlike his opponent, a functionality that allows to further customize the photographs that the user wants to take since it gives him freedom to choose how much light he wants enter the camera sensor.

Without abandoning the photographic field, in its quadruple structure it has a lens with 64 megapixels, while the S10 Lite presents a triple in which the largest amount of this unit is 48 megapixels, so the ability to capture details is greater in the A71. Second point for him in this bid A71 Vs S10 Lite.

In what ways is the S10 Lite better than A71?

Faster processor and HMP

The Snapdragon 855 processor in the S10 Lite operates at a speed of 2.84 gigahertz per second with all its cores active, while the 730 version used by the A71 does the same at 2.2 gigahertz, a difference that makes it more able to carry out several tasks at the same time.

In addition, it uses HMP (heterogeneous multiprocessing in English) technology, which allows this component to use its entire cores simultaneously and only one for the jobs that are not very demanding. The benefits of this component are a great power for the whole structure of the phone and a greater autonomy for the battery.

Optical Image Stabilizer and Dual LED Flash Option

The Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite contains in its camera system an optical image stabilizer, which is responsible for detecting the slightest vibration that occurs before taking a picture using gyroscopic sensors. An accessory that is conspicuous by its absence on the A71.

Another component that differentiates it in the photographic field is its dual LED flash, which in turn is made up of two with different tones and which implies a better harmony of colors in both photos and videos. Tie in the electronic of this face to face A71 Vs S10 Lite, who will win?

What is our final verdict?

Given its faster performance in general terms and a greater trade-off between it and what its camera offers (both have equally large screens as well as identical pixel density and resolution), the Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite deserves to prevail in the duel A71 Vs S10 Lite.

However, the Samsung Galaxy A71 is ideal for anyone who prioritizes the characteristics of the camera system and a lower price. Remember that in Shoptize you can find the best smartphones from Samsung and renowned brands at incredible prices.